It goes without saying, that as consumers, our online interactions have been evolving drastically, since the time the world wide web was introduced to our lives. As more and more options are made available online, as a society, we have reached a point in time, where we don’t even need to travel, to make purchases from all over the globe. The introduction of social media, smart devices, and applications was like a slingshot, throwing us into an entirely different world of consumer decisions. Drastically reducing researching cost, while providing alternatives to give us ample of choices, aiding us in making a much more informed decision.

These offerings are actually made possible through the vast online database. When we are online, our online identities can be accessed by the database. Information such as: age, location, household income, interests or even purchasing behavior to a certain extent. This information aids in contributing data to entities who are running advertisements. That is basically how the internet always shows you ads of things you are most interested in and are likely to purchase.
Marketing today is obtaining real-time data of consumer behaviors and segments of consumers based on their online purchasing patterns. This enables businesses to target relevant individuals with specific types of advertisements in the future.
Here’s how the behavior of consumers has evolved over the years.

Online Banking and Shopping
There’s no denying that through amenities online, we can actually go through the entire buying cycle without even stepping into a physical store. In fact, apart from opening a banking account, almost everything else can be done online. Researching before making any purchase is also leaps and bounds easier than how it was before the age of the internet.
Social Media
Social media has been a huge influence in consumer activities online. Whether we will admit it or not, we have all been the victim of impulse purchasing after being influenced by social media. In fact, careers like influencers were not even a thing before social media was introduced. Businesses are also jumping into this bandwagon by planning their contents with the intent to capture the attention of people who frequent social media platforms. In Catalyst Edge Marketing, we have a team that studies the latest trends in our client’s industries, so that we can always stay on top of the social media behavioral curve.
Reviews and Opinions
Although the word of mouth still carries a lot of weight, through the availability of reviews and comments online, consumers will find that it is much easier to share their opinions on certain establishments and businesses. Google actually encourages this, by offering badges and achievements for consumers who post ratings and reviews. Most people actually check on a shop’s Google review before making a buying decision.

Brand Loyalty
Consumers have ample of options nowadays. Gone are the days where people would choose to settle and frequent an establishment that does not satisfy them entirely. With one Google search, the internet will provide a consumer with countless substitutions. It takes a lot more effort in this day and age, for businesses to garner trust and brand loyalty. It is a continuous battle. For more information on how to handle negative reviews, check out this article.
Sense of Adventure
Consumers nowadays have a stronger sense of adventure when it comes to trying out a new product or service. With thousands of reviews available online, plenty of research can be done before trying out anything. From sanitizers to what they are having for dinner, everything can be researched online. People are crossing boundaries they never thought they would have before.
These are some of the ways the consumer behavior has evolved over the years. To find out more on how you can leverage the digital world to your advantage, feel free to contact us and let’s see how Catalyst Edge Marketing can help bring your brand to the next level.